

茨城県立土浦第一高等学校長 プラニク ヨゲンドラ         



 茨城県立土浦第一高等学校・附属中学校長のよぎ(プラニク ヨゲンドラ)です。本校のホームページへアクセス頂き誠にありがとうございます。 










Namaste! Hello!

I am Yogi (Puranik Yogendra), the Principal of Ibaraki Prefectural Tsuchiura First High School & Affiliated Junior High School.Thank you for visiting our school's website. 

Our school has a history and tradition of more than 125 years.To date, we have produced more than 2,000 graduates. Many of our graduates are active in a wide range of fields both inside and outside the prefecture, and we are proud of our part-time school. 

I advocate the proverb ‘Kokorozashi nomi jisan’, equivalent to the English proverb ‘Where there is a will, there is a way’, as part of our management philosophy. Kokorozashi means having a strong desire to aim in a certain direction, or the kindness to think for the sake of others. I hope that all of our students will keep this proverb in their hearts. The school faculty and staff will also be considerate and compassionate in supporting the growth of our students. 

Our school principles are ‘Independence, Cooperation and Responsibility’. I am adding ‘Self-esteem, Compassion, and Internationality,’ to these concepts. I want everyone to act independently with a sense of self-esteem, cooperate with fellow students with a sense of compassion, accept the diversity of ideas and have an international perspective. Staying positive is one’s own choice. One shall not allow others to decide the state of their mind or wellbeing. I wish that our students are able to handle any kind of matter or situation calmly, with a smile on their face, that they love themselves, and be considerate towards the people around themm. It is our wish to nurture ‘the best human beings’ who live with pride, and are respected by those around them. 

In order to provide an excellent educational environment for students with a strong spirit of challenge, we aim to be a place where each student can shine in their own way, not to mention the enhancement of learning and physical education facilities. Especially high school is the richest and most important period in student life. During this period, I want you to learn more, sweat more, and have a fulfilling student life. The students must understand their own strengths and weaknesses, and overcome their weaknesses to be able to handle various things. 

On a personal note, I was appointed as the principal of our school from April 1, 2023. While people have expectations from me, they also have concerns. I believe that the end goal of human beings and human society, education and technological development is "happiness". In the part-time course where students learn while accumulating experience as a member of society, we believe that it is important for students to have diverse values and experiences and further grow themselves. We will help you take action. 

As for current students, physical, mental, and other changes are drastic, and students are trying to become independent. At such an important time, I would like to support the growth of our students in partnership with the parents of our school. Students' school days are busy. We would especially like to ask parents to spend about 15 minutes jogging or exercising with their children every morning and about 5 minutes review every night.

To aspiring students and their parents, please feel free to contact us if you are interested in our school. We look forward to hearing from educators, companies and organizations who would like to support our school. I would like to take "school-education" to the next stage of "community-education". We also look forward to hearing from positive media.